
Trips and tours in Kairouan

Located in the center of Tunisia on a plain at an almost equal distance from the sea and the mountains, the city of Kairouan is the oldest Arab-Muslim base in the Maghreb (670 AD) and one of its main holy cities. Capital of Ifriqiya for five centuries, it was an exceptional place of diffusion of the Arab-Muslim civilization.

The city of Kairouan is a unique testimony to the first centuries of this civilization and its architectural and urban development. The inscribed site is a serial property which includes the medina and its suburbs, the Bassins des Aghlabids and the Zawiya of Sidi Sahbi.

The medina (54 ha) and its suburbs (20 ha) is an urban ensemble that presents all the components of an Arab-Muslim city. The medina is made up of juxtaposed dwellings divided into districts separated by narrow and winding streets; it is surrounded by ramparts which extend over more than three kilometres. The layout of the suburbs is straighter and the houses there have a more rural character. The medina is endowed with some remarkable monuments including the Great Mosque, an architectural masterpiece which served as a model for several mosques in the Maghreb, and the Mosque of the Three Doors, which presents the oldest carved facade of Muslim art. that has come down to us.

The Aghlabid Basins, an open-air reservoir formed by two cisterns communicating with each other and which dates back to the 9th century, constitute one of the most beautiful hydraulic systems designed to supply the city with water. The Zawiya of Sidi Sahbi houses the remains of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, Abou Zama El-Balawi.

The city of Kairouan offers a variety of trips and tours.

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